Friday, October 28, 2011

Happy Howl-O-Ween!

Here she goes again.  Every year I notice that when the leaves start falling, it is time, once again, for my mom to dress me up in a ridiculous Halloween costume.  For the past couple of years, I have been going as Frankenstein.  Why does my mom do this to me?  Does she get some kind of thrill out of this? 

I would just like to know when people started thinking it was okay to dress up their pets on Halloween.  Isn't that for children?  Who was the first person to say "Hey, I don't want to just dress up my kid for Halloween.  This year I'm gonna dress up my dog too!"  That was a great idea.  Don't people know that dogs really don't like to wear costumes.  We like to keep our dignity.  And noone ever asks us if its okay with us.  They also don't ask us what we would like to be.  If I had the choice, I'd be something a lot better than Frankenstein.  A superhero, or something cool like that!

At least my costume only goes around my neck and on my head.  I've seen some dogs that have full-bodied costumes.  Man, do I feel bad for them.  At least it isn't as bad as what my buddy, Moose, the Yorkshire Terrier, who lives down the street has to wear.  His folks dressed him up as a ballerina this year.  How humiliating!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Pumpkin Festival

Last weekend, mom took me to a Pumpkin Festival for dogs.  There were a lot of other dogs there dressed in ridiculous costumes.  Apparently there was a Pet Costume contest that was going to be held.  I didn't want to be any part of that.  Even though I wasn't dressed up, people kept coming up to me and commenting on what a beautiful and pretty dog I am.  Sometimes that does make me a little mad since I am a boy and those words are usually reserved for female dogs.  Whatever happened to words like handsome and dashing?

Anyway, they would ask my mom what kind of dog I was and she would reply, "He is a Cocker Spaniel mix.  I don't really know because I got him from a shelter."  They were so surprised by this.  " A shelter, really?" they would ask.  Is that supposed to imply that dogs from shelters aren't any good?  I really don't know what's wrong with people.

Shelter pets are just as good as any other pets.  Even better, if you ask me.  Many shelter pets are mixed breeds which is actually better than purebred dogs because mixing genes from different breeds of dogs actually produces a healtier result.  Plus, we really appreciate the home we are given when we are adopted since we didn't have one before.  I know I am really grateful for my home everyday.  I love it, I love my backyard and I love especially love my bed. 

Even people who simply must have a purebred dog can find them at shelters too since 25% of the dogs at shelters are purebreds.

In conclusion, I simply must say that I am proud to be from a shelter.  Shelter pets are awesome.  So I proudly say, shelter pets rule and people who breed dogs drool!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Introduction to Bandit

Woof!  I mean, Hello!  My name is Bandit.  I am a brindle cocker spaniel mix.  I am 5 years old and I love life.  I also love stuffed animals, they are my friends.  I have many friends...probably around 25 of them.  I decided to start a blog to tell the world what it's really like to be a dog living in a human world.  On this site, I will discuss many issues that dogs face everyday. 

I welcome your comments and questions.  Check back here often to see what's going on in the life of Bandit, a very special dog.  Well, that's what my mom tells me I am.